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Topology(self, data, topology=True, prequantize=True, topoquantize=False, presimplify=False, toposimplify=False, shared_coords=True, prevent_oversimplify=True, simplify_with='shapely', simplify_algorithm='dp', winding_order='CW_CCW')

Returns a TopoJSON topology for the specified geometric object. TopoJSON is an extension of GeoJSON providing multiple approaches to compress the geographical input data. These options include simplifying the linestrings or quantizing the coordinates but foremost the computation of a topology.


  • data : any geometric type

    Geometric data that should be converted into TopoJSON

  • topology : boolean

    Specify if the topology should be computed for deriving the TopoJSON. Default is True.

  • prequantize : boolean, int

    If the prequantization parameter is specified, the input geometry is quantized prior to computing the topology, the returned topology is quantized, and its arcs are delta-encoded. Quantization is recommended to improve the quality of the topology if the input geometry is messy (i.e., small floating point error means that adjacent boundaries do not have identical values); typical values are powers of ten, such as 1e4, 1e5 or 1e5. Default is True (which correspond to a quantize factor of 1e5).

  • topoquantize : boolean or int

    If the topoquantization parameter is specified, the input geometry is quantized after the topology is constructed. If the topology is already quantized this will be resolved first before the topoquantization is applied. See for more details the prequantize parameter. Default is False.

  • presimplify : boolean, float

    Apply presimplify to remove unnecessary points from linestrings before the topology is constructed. This will simplify the input geometries. Use with care. Default is False.

  • toposimplify : boolean, float

    Apply toposimplify to remove unnecessary points from arcs after the topology is constructed. This will simplify the constructed arcs without altering the topological relations. Sensible values for coordinates stored in degrees are in the range of 0.0001 to 10. Defaults to False.

  • shared_coords : boolean

    Sets the strategy to detect junctions. When set to True a path is considered shared when all coordinates appear in both paths (coords-connected). When set to False a path is considered shared when coordinates are the same path (path-connected). The path-connected strategy is more ‘correct’, but slower. Default is True.

  • prevent_oversimplify: boolean

    If this setting is set to True, the simplification is slower, but the likelihood of producing valid geometries is higher as it prevents oversimplification. Simplification happens on paths separately, so this setting is especially relevant for rings with no partial shared paths. This is also known as a topology-preserving variant of simplification. Default is True.

  • simplify_with : str

    Sets the package to use for simplifying (both pre- and toposimplify). Choose between shapely or simplification. Shapely adopts solely Douglas-Peucker and simplification both Douglas-Peucker and Visvalingam-Whyatt. The package simplification is known to be quicker than shapely. Default is shapely.

  • simplify_algorithm : str

    Choose between dp and vw, for Douglas-Peucker or Visvalingam-Whyatt respectively. vw will only be selected if simplify_with is set to simplification. Default is dp, since it “produced the most accurate generalization” (Shi, W. & Cheung, C., 2006).

  • winding_order : str

    Determines the winding order of the features in the output geometry. Choose between CW_CCW for clockwise orientation for outer rings and counter- clockwise for interior rings. Or CCW_CW for counter-clockwise for outer rings and clockwise for interior rings. Default is CW_CCW.

  • object_name : str

    Name to use as key for the objects in the topojson file. This name is used for writing and reading topojson file formats. Default is data.


Topology.to_dict(self, options=False)

Convert the Topology to a dictionary.


  • options : boolean

    If True, the options also will be included. Default is False


Topology.to_svg(self, separate=False, include_junctions=False)

Display the arcs and junctions as SVG.


  • separate : boolean

    If True, each of the arcs will be displayed separately. Default is False

  • include_junctions : boolean

    If True, the detected junctions will be displayed as well. Default is False


Topology.to_json(self, fp=None, options=False, pretty=False, indent=4, maxlinelength=88)

Convert the Topology to a JSON object.


  • fp : str

    If set, writes the object to a file on drive. Default is None

  • options : boolean

    If True, the options also will be included. Default is False

  • pretty : boolean

    If True, the JSON object will be ‘pretty’, depending on the ident and maxlinelength options Default is False

  • indent : int

    If pretty=True, declares the indentation of the objects. Default is 4.

  • maxlinelength : int

    If pretty=True, declares the maximum length of each line. Default is 88.


Topology.to_geojson(self, fp=None, pretty=False, indent=4, maxlinelength=88, validate=False, objectname='data')

Convert the Topology to a GeoJSON object. Remember that this will destroy the computed Topology.


  • fp : str

    If set, writes the object to a file on drive. Default is None

  • pretty : boolean

    If True, the JSON object will be ‘pretty’, depending on the ident and maxlinelength options. Default is False

  • indent : int

    If pretty=True, declares the indentation of the objects. Default is 4

  • maxlinelength : int

    If pretty=True, declares the maximum length of each line. Default is 88

  • validate : boolean

    Set to True to validate each feature before inclusion in the GeoJSON. Only features that are valid geometries objects will be included. Default is False

  • objectname : str

    The name of the object within the Topology to convert to GeoJSON. Default is data

  • decimals : int or None

    Evenly round the coordinates to the given number of decimals. Default is None, which means no rounding is applied.



Convert the Topology to a GeoDataFrame. Remember that this will destroy the computed Topology.

Note: This function use the TopoJSON driver within Fiona to parse the Topology to a GeoDataFrame. If data is missing (eg. Fiona cannot parse nested geometry collections) you can trying using the .to_geojson() function prior creating the GeoDataFrame.


Topology.to_alt(self, mesh=True, color=None, tooltip=True, projection='identity', objectname='data')

Display as Altair visualization.


  • mesh : boolean

    If True, render arcs only (mesh object). If False render as geoshape. Default is True

  • color : str

    Assign an property attribute to be used for color encoding. Remember that most of the time the wanted attribute is nested within properties. Moreover, specific type declaration is required. Eg color=''. Default is None

  • tooltip : boolean

    Option to include or exclude tooltips on geoshape objects Default is True.

  • projection : str

    Defines the projection of the visualization. Defaults to a non-geographic, Cartesian projection (known by Altair as identity).

  • objectname : str

    The name of the object within the Topology to display. Default is data


Topology.to_widget(self, slider_toposimplify={'min': 0, 'max': 10, 'step': 0.01, 'value': 0.01}, slider_topoquantize={'min': 1, 'max': 6, 'step': 1, 'value': 100000.0, '> + ###### `base': ` : 10})

Create an interactive widget based on Altair. The widget includes sliders to interactively change the toposimplify and topoquantize settings.


  • slider_toposimplify : dict

    The dict should contain the following keys: min, max, step, value

  • slider_topoquantize : dict

    The dict should contain the following keys: min, max, value, base


Topology.topoquantize(self, quant_factor, inplace=False)

Quantization is recommended to improve the quality of the topology if the input geometry is messy (i.e., small floating point error means that adjacent boundaries do not have identical values); typical values are powers of ten, such as 1e4, 1e5 or 1e6.


  • quant_factor : float

    tolerance parameter

  • inplace : bool, optional

    If True, do operation inplace and return None. Default is False.


  • object or None

    Quantized coordinates and delta-encoded arcs if inplace is False.


Topology.toposimplify(self, epsilon, inplace=False)

Apply toposimplify to remove unnecessary points from arcs after the topology is constructed. This will simplify the constructed arcs without altering the topological relations. Sensible values for coordinates stored in degrees are in the range of 0.0001 to 10.


  • epsilon : float

    tolerance parameter.

  • inplace : bool, optional

    If True, do operation inplace and return None. Default is False.


  • object or None

    Topology object with simplified linestrings if inplace is False.