Engaging geovisualisations with Vega-Altair


Mattijn van Hoek


March 7, 2023

Engaging geovisualisations with Vega-Altair

Vega-Altair is a powerful toolkit for creating interactive and engaging geovisualisations in Python.

Lets talk about it.

By Mattijn van Hoek

  • PhD on Drought Monitoring from Space & MSc in Geographical Information Management
  • Senior consultant Product & Services @ HKV Consultants, The Netherlands
  • Knowledge entrepreneurs in flood risk and water resources management

Talk presented at GeoPython 2023

Encode spatial data as topology in Python! 🌍 https://mattijn.github.io/topojson

pip/conda install topojson

VegaFusion: Serverside Scaling for Vega, Started by Jon Mease in 2021

Vega-Altair: Declarative Visualization in Python. Started by Jake Vanderplas & Brian Granger in 2015

Vega-Lite: A Grammar of Interactive Graphics. Started by Arvind Satyanarayan, Kanit Wongsuphasawat, Dominik Moritz in 2014

Vega: A Visualization Grammar. Started by Jeffrey Heer and Arvind Satyanarayan in 2014

D3: Data-Driven Documents, Started by Mike Bostock, Jason Davies, Jeffrey Heer, Vadim Ogievetsky in 2011 | Philippe Rivière (D3-Geo)

For Vega-Altair I also like to mention: Christopher Davis, Joel Ă–stblom, Stefan Binder, Eitan Lees, Ben Welsh (and myself)

NEW! website: https://altair-viz.github.io/

Vega-Altair is a declarative statistical visualization library for Python, based on Vega-Lite.

With Vega-Altair, you can spend more time understanding your data and its meaning. Altair’s API is simple, friendly and consistent and built on top of the powerful Vega-Lite visualization grammar.

This elegant simplicity produces beautiful and effective visualizations with a minimal amount of code.

Monthly PyPi downloads: 10.3M (comparison matplotlib 31.4M, plotly 7.7M)

EDIT february 2024

Montly PyPi downloads of Vega-Altair have increased to 21.5M (comparison matplotlib 56.9M, plotly 12.7M).

import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data
source = data.cars()


One of the unique features of Vega-Altair, inherited from Vega-Lite, is a declarative grammar of not just visualization, but also interaction.

brush = alt.selection_interval()

points = alt.Chart(source).mark_point().encode(
    color=alt.condition(brush, 'Origin', alt.value('lightgray'))

bars = alt.Chart(source).mark_bar().encode(
points & bars

Vega-Altair works with many different geographical data formats, including geojson and topojson files and any data format that supports the geo interface protocol (.__geo_interface__)

Often the most convenient input format is a GeoDataFrame.

Here we load the Natural Earth dataset (50m_admin_0_countries)

import geopandas as gpd
gdf_world = gpd.read_file(r'ne_50m_admin_0_countries/ne_50m_admin_0_countries.shp')
gdf_world = gdf_world[['ADMIN', 'POP_EST', 'geometry']]
ADMIN POP_EST geometry
0 Zimbabwe 14645468.0 POLYGON ((31.28789 -22.40205, 31.19727 -22.344...
1 Zambia 17861030.0 POLYGON ((30.39609 -15.64307, 30.25068 -15.643...
2 Yemen 29161922.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((53.08564 16.64839, 52.58145 16...
3 Vietnam 96462106.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((104.06396 10.39082, 104.08301 ...
4 Venezuela 28515829.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-60.82119 9.13838, -60.94141 9...

Basic Map

mark_geoshape represents an arbitrary shapes whose geometry is determined by specified spatial data. By default, Altair applies a default blue fill color and uses a default map projection (equalEarth).

import altair as alt

We can customize the aesthetics of the mark properties (eg. fill) and define a custom map projection


Focus & Filtering

Multiple approaches can be used to focus on specific regions of your spatial data.

Here we load an utility fuction to zoom by a bounding box polygon

from utils_geoconf_23 import *

polygon_bbox = utils_extent(minx=1, miny=51, maxx=9, maxy=55)
{'type': 'Feature',
 'geometry': {'type': 'Polygon',
  'coordinates': [[[9, 55], [9, 51], [1, 51], [1, 55], [9, 55]]]},
 'properties': {}}

We set our polygon_bbox to the fit parameter within the project property in combination with clip=True in the mark properties.


To improve speed it is often better to clip your region of interest from your GeoDataFrame.

gdf_roi = gdf_world.clip([1, 50.6, 9, 55.3])
ADMIN POP_EST geometry
160 France 67059887.0 POLYGON ((1.57076 50.60000, 1.57949 50.73926, ...
96 Netherlands 17332850.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((5.99395 50.75044, 5.89246 50.7...
156 Germany 83132799.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((5.85752 51.03013, 5.86836 51.0...
217 Belgium 11484055.0 POLYGON ((2.52490 51.09712, 2.96016 51.26543, ...
31 United Kingdom 66834405.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((1.00000 51.80094, 1.00000 52.9...

Mapping Polygons

We can use the color encoding channel to map the visual property of the ADMIN column.

base = alt.Chart(gdf_roi).mark_geoshape().project(type='mercator')

The data type Altair applies is automatically inferred from the GeoDataFrame. Here we concatenate two columns with different datatypes - | : horizontal concat charts

base.encode(color='ADMIN') | base.encode(color='POP_EST')

Mapping Lines

Let’s load another dataset containing lines

gdf_rivers_eu = gpd.read_file("https://dmws.hkvservices.nl/dataportal/data.asmx/read?database=vega&key=europe_rivers")
gdf_rivers_roi = gdf_rivers_eu.clip([1, 50.6, 9, 55.3])
name_en geometry
29 Rhine LINESTRING (7.22201 50.60000, 7.20362 50.62161...
52 Waal LINESTRING (4.98536 51.82371, 4.72543 51.75666...
43 Nederrijn LINESTRING (6.03863 51.87218, 5.92246 51.96055...
24 Lek LINESTRING (5.33108 51.96298, 5.16132 51.99352...

By default Altair assumes for mark_geoshape that the mark’s color is used for the fill color instead of the stroke color. This means that if your source data contain (multi)lines, you will have to explicitly define the filled value as False.

chart_rivers_roi = alt.Chart(gdf_rivers_roi).mark_geoshape(
    filled=False, stroke='#0E80AC', strokeWidth=2


Layered Charts

Layered charts allow you to overlay two different charts on the same set of mark. Here we combine our country polygons and river lines.

  • + : layer charts
chart_roi = alt.Chart(gdf_roi).mark_geoshape(
    fill='lightgray', stroke='white', strokeWidth=0.5

chart_base = chart_roi + chart_rivers_roi

Mapping Points

Let’s load another dataset containing points

location geometry
0 delfzijl POINT (6.93000 53.34000)
1 harlingen POINT (5.40000 53.18000)
2 hoekvanholland POINT (4.06000 52.00000)
3 vlissingen POINT (3.55000 51.44000)

And combine to our chart_base

chart_pts = alt.Chart(utils_gdf_points).mark_geoshape().encode(

chart_base + chart_pts

In combination with mark_text for labels

utils_gdf_points["lon"] = utils_gdf_points.geometry.x
utils_gdf_points["lat"] = utils_gdf_points.geometry.y

chart_text = alt.Chart(utils_gdf_points).mark_text(
    align='right', dy=-10
    longitude="lon", latitude="lat", text="location"

chart_base + chart_pts + chart_text

Grammar of Interactivity

So far, the grammar of graphics. Lets continue with grammar of interactivity

param_hover_loc = alt.selection_point(
    on='mouseover', clear='mouseout'
param_click_loc = alt.selection_point(
    fields=['location'], value='hoekvanholland'

And a defintion of the the condition how the interactivity should behave

[(<condition_hover>, <if_true>), (<condition_click>, <if_true>)], <if_false>
cond_strokeWidth = utils_condition(
    [(param_hover_loc, 2), (param_click_loc, 3)], if_false=0
cond_stroke = utils_condition(
    [(param_hover_loc, 'red'), (param_click_loc, 'cyan')], if_false=None

And define a conditon that response to both hover and click

chart_locs = chart_pts.encode(
    strokeWidth=cond_strokeWidth, stroke=cond_stroke
    param_hover_loc, param_click_loc

chart_geoshape = chart_base + chart_locs + chart_text


Often a map does not come alone, but is used in combination with another chart.

Here we provide an example of an interactive visualization of a rose plot and a geographic map.

sector count mean_windspeed wind_dir location
0 0 77 23.228312 0.0 - 22.5 hoekvanholland
1 1 53 23.361321 22.5 - 45.0 hoekvanholland
2 2 33 23.001515 45.0 - 67.5 hoekvanholland
3 3 32 23.115000 67.5 - 90.0 hoekvanholland
4 4 10 22.976000 90.0 - 112.5 hoekvanholland

We will use an arc mark. Arcs are circular and defined by a center point plus angular and radial extents.

    alt.datum.location == 'vlissingen'

We define similar interactive selection parameters as we did to the locations.

param_hover_wind_dir = alt.selection_point(
    on='mouseover', clear='mouseout'
param_click_wind_dir = alt.selection_point(
    fields=['wind_dir'], value='225.0 - 247.5'

Our utility function utils_chart_rose() adds context and interactivity to the rose

chart_rose = utils_chart_rose(utils_df_storms_rose_binned, 
    param_hover_wind_dir, param_click_wind_dir, param_click_loc


And we can combine it with our already defined chart_geoshape - | : horizontal concat charts

chart_rose | chart_geoshape

OK, lets finish it up with a some histgrams. First load the data

print('df shape:', utils_df_storms_hist_binned.shape)
df shape: (6464, 14)
fase fase_end fase_count wind_dir location windfase windfase_end windfase_count windduur windduur_end windduur_count opzetduur opzetduur_end opzetduur_count
0 -5.0 -4.8 3.0 0.0 - 22.5 hoekvanholland NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 -4.6 -4.4 1.0 0.0 - 22.5 hoekvanholland NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 2.6 2.8 6.0 0.0 - 22.5 hoekvanholland NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 1.0 1.2 12.0 0.0 - 22.5 hoekvanholland NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 1.6 1.8 7.0 0.0 - 22.5 hoekvanholland NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

We apply a double selection filter. One selection based on the location and one selection on the wind direction.

chart_hist = utils_chart_hists(utils_df_storms_hist_binned, 
    param_click_wind_dir, param_click_loc


Combine everything what we have prepared (& : vertical concat charts)

chart_hist & (chart_rose | chart_geoshape)

We can publish these interactive vizualisations 1:1 as a simple website: - http://ai.hkvservices.nl/gp_gui

To be shared with our clients

I consider the following a scoop

Still imperative now, but how far can push things using the new alt.param() and alt.expr() in Altair v5?

EDIT february 2024

The logic of the example that follows is now implemented within https://altair-viz.github.io/altair_tiles/intro.html.

import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data

source = alt.topo_feature(data.world_110m.url, "countries")
osm_url, otm_url = ('https://tile.openstreetmap.org/', 'https://tile.opentopomap.org/')
select_urls = alt.binding_select(options=[osm_url, otm_url], name='select tile service')
param_urls = alt.param(bind=select_urls, value=osm_url)
param_tx = alt.param(expr="width / 2")
param_ty = alt.param(expr="height / 2")
param_base_tile_size = alt.param(value=256)
range_z = alt.binding_range(min=2, max=13, step=0.05, name="zoom level")
param_z = alt.param(value=2.75, bind=range_z)
range_x = alt.binding_range(min=-180, max=180, step=0.05, name="rotate longitude")
param_x = alt.param(value=-5.9025, bind=range_x)
range_y = alt.binding_range(min=-60, max=60, step=0.05, name="center latitude")
param_y = alt.param(value=52.56, bind=range_y)
param_tile_url = alt.param(expr=f'{param_urls.name}')
param_zoom = alt.param(expr=f"ceil({param_z.name})")
param_tiles_count = alt.param(expr=f"pow(2, {param_zoom.name})")
param_tile_size = alt.param(
    expr=f"{param_base_tile_size.name} * pow(2, {param_z.name} - {param_zoom.name})"
param_base_point = alt.param(expr=f"invert('projection', [0, 0])")
param_dii = alt.param(
    expr=f"({param_base_point.name}[0] + 180) / 360 * {param_tiles_count.name}"
param_di = alt.param(expr=f"floor({param_dii.name})")
param_dx = alt.param(
    expr=f"round((floor({param_dii.name}) - {param_dii.name}) * {param_tile_size.name})"
param_djj = alt.param(
    expr=f"(1 - log(tan({param_base_point.name}[1] * PI / 180) + 1 / cos({param_base_point.name}[1] * PI / 180)) / PI) / 2 * {param_tiles_count.name}"
param_dj = alt.param(expr=f"floor({param_djj.name})")
param_dy = alt.param(
    expr=f"round((floor({param_djj.name})-{param_djj.name}) * {param_tile_size.name})"
tile_list = alt.sequence(0, 4, as_="a", name="tile_list")
image_tiles = (
    .transform_calculate(b=f"sequence(0, 4)")
        url=f"{param_tile_url.name} + {param_zoom.name} + '/' + (datum.a + {param_di.name} + {param_tiles_count.name}) % {param_tiles_count.name} + '/' + ((datum.b + {param_dj.name})) + '.png'",
        x=f"(datum.a * {param_tile_size.name} + {param_dx.name}) + ({param_tile_size.name} / 2)",
        y=f"(datum.b * {param_tile_size.name} + {param_dy.name}) + ({param_tile_size.name} / 2)",
        x=alt.X("x:Q").scale(None), y=alt.Y("y:Q").scale(None), url=alt.Url("url:N")
geoshape_countries = (
    alt.Chart(source, width=400, height=400)
            f"{param_base_tile_size.name} * pow(2, {param_z.name}) / (2 * PI)"
        rotate=alt.expr(f"[{param_x.name}, 0, 0]"),
        center=alt.expr(f"[0, {param_y.name}]"),
        translate=alt.expr(f"[{param_tx.name}, {param_ty.name}]"),

text_attrib = alt.Chart().mark_text(
    text='(C) OpenStreetMap contributors',
chart_inc_tiles = alt.layer(

hopefully one day possible through mark_geoshape(tiles=True)


What else will be new in Altair 5 (5.0.0rc1 released last week) - The primary change in this release of Altair is the introduction of parameters. There are two types of parameters, selection parameters and variable parameters.

  • Support for method-based-syntax:

Before only argument-based syntax was possible:

x=alt.X('Horsepower', axis=alt.Axis(tickMinStep=50))

Now also method-based syntax:

  • Native Support for DataFrame Interchange Protocol Support (experimental, through pyarrow)

  • Extensive type hinting

  • new xOffset and yOffset encoding channels

  • Replaced altair_saver with vl-convert-python for saving to png/svg (pip-installable, no need for a headless browser anymore)

  • Ordered pandas categorical data are now automatically encoded as sorted ordinal data

  • selection_interval() support for mark_geoshape()

  • Docs for spatial data and mark_geoshape options:
    • https://altair-viz.github.io/user_guide/data.html#spatial-data
    • https://altair-viz.github.io/user_guide/marks/geoshape.html